Monday, April 6, 2009

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Okay, so you're so disappointed that there's no picture here, but I promise we've been taking a ton, just haven't loaded them out of the camera yet! Malakai is 9 days old today and we're starting to see a pattern in his schedule. He likes to eat about every hour and a half, and eats for about 15 minutes at a time; he's completely breastfed.
We had our first Dr. visit on Tuesday (he was one week old) and we're happy to report that he's still a very healthy baby. I was so proud that he had gained 2 ounces since birth, making him 8 pounds and 7 ounces now, and I'm sure he's gaining even more now. The nurse asked us about the standard benchmarks that Malakai can accomplish and Andrew and I both beamed proudly as we said an enthusiastic YES to all the activities he can do: pick up his head, make eye contact, I wish I could remember them all. He's also smiling regularly and reaching up to Andrew's face, and reaching out to his mommy's chest. We think he's just amazing! The Dr. said that his umbilical cord and circumcision were healing well, and since then, the cord stump and plastibel have fallen off. It makes me realize how fast he's growing up already. The things we worry about so much just quickly pass away and make room for new concerns as life rolls on. His skin is starting to peel (I'm assuming this is normal) and the Dr. advised us to bath him every night in dandruff shampoo and slather on a few teaspoons of baby lotion twice a day. The dandruff shampoo isn't so baby smelly, but I can deal with it if he comes through with the beautiful skin our Dr. promised. Andrew and I both have issues with our skin and would love nothing more than our son to have a clear complexion.
Speaking of complexion, Malakai has a glowing skin tone that I always longed for. He was a little jaundiced when we went to the Dr. but he said it was nothing to worry about, that it would go away on its own. Besides the jaundice though, I think Malakai will be darker than both Andrew and me, and I'm just so glad we won't have to worry about SPF 100 come summer time.
Other than breastfeeding, sleeping, and changing diapers, we've also had some visitors. My mom and step dad (Granny & Pawpaw) have been here in Weatherford at the RV park, so they've gotten to see our little stinker every day. My Dad (Grandaddy) arrived today and will visit through Sunday. At the hospital I was glad to see my friends/co-teachers Amber, Breka, and Erin. Amber and Erin are both expecting babies as well, and I can't wait to visit them again so I can reassure them about how easy childbirth can be and I really hope they have the same experience. We just adored all of or doctors and nurses at Harris Methodist Fort Worth and I'd recommend them to anyone having a baby. They constantly reassured me that I was doing a great job and this really gave me the confidence to try even harder for my baby. I'm so thankful to them for helping me to deliver a healthy baby.
We also had a wonderful visit from my pastor and his wife (David & Belinda). It was wonderful for them to visit all of us in our home and gave such a blessing by sharing their stories and praying with us. We also were able to go to church on Sunday morning! I never thought I'd deliver a baby on a Tuesday and want to get out and go to church the following Sunday, but I couldn't fight the urge. With the help of Andrew, Granny and Pawpaw, and a little vicodin, we made it to church on time and even stayed to fellowship with everyone and eat brisket afterwards. A couple in our congregation is going to dry our flowers and make a shadow box with them and a few special items from Malakai's early life. I am forever grateful to my church for all the prayer and support they give Malakai and me.
I'm sure I've left out some important details of the week, but I'm sure this is quite enough typing for this tired mommy today!